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Reduce your kitchen waste
Wanderlightly Introduction (1:42)
Reduce your kitchen waste - ebook
Reducing food waste through shopping & storage practices
Why is food waste an issue? - Tutorial (1:09)
Shopping to reduce your waste - Tutorial (2:45)
Reduce your waste through food storage - Tutorial (4:08)
The 5 R's of waste reduction - REVIVE
Revive - Tutorial (1:03)
Revive - PDF
The 5 R's of waste reduction - REPURPOSE
Repurpose - Tutorial (0:27)
Repurpose - PDF
Repurposed Coffee body scrub - Tutorial (2:10)
Repurposed Coffee body scrub - Recipe
Scrap stock - Tutorial (2:14)
Scrap stock - Recipe
Infused oils - Tutorial (3:01)
Infused oils - Recipe
Plant food - Tutorial (1:33)
Egg shell tea - Recipe
Banana skin plant food - Recipe
Scrappy Pesto - Tutorial (4:13)
Scrappy Pesto - Recipe
Scrap herbal fabric softener - Tutorial (1:53)
Scrap herbal fabric softener - Recipe
Scrap wool wash - Tutorial (1:21)
Scrap wool wash - Recipe
Scrap Citrus & Rosemary cleaning spray - Tutorial (3:57)
Scrap Citrus & Rosemary cleaning spray - Recipe
The 5 R's of waste reduction - REGROW
Regrow - Tutorial (1:49)
Regrow - PDF
The 5 R's of waste reduction - ROT
Rot - Tutorial (2:20)
Rot - PDF
The 5 R's of waste reduction - RECYCLE
Recycle - Tutorial (4:13)
Recycle - PDF
My recycling at home - Video tour (8:23)
BONUS - Printables
10 Tips to reduce Food waste
Quick produce storage guide
Worm farm tips
Worm Farm trouble shooting
Your creations labels - Use Avery template L7123 or just print!
Teach online with
Repurposed Coffee body scrub - Recipe
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